Foreword ------- p.2Junichi Nagasaki
The 1st Regular General Meeting of NGF ------- p.4
Summary of Opinion Research of NGF Members ------- p.6Yoshiro Suzuki
Introductory LectureA Basic Story of Glass ------- p.10
Hiroshi Yamanaka
NGF Member List ------- p.12
Proceedings of the 3rd Seminar of NGFDisplay in the Age of New Media ------- p.15Yukio Sugiura
Proceedings of the 3rd Seminar of NGF Current Advances in Display TechnologyAdvances in CRT Display ------- p.23
Yasuo Ohta
Advances in Flat Panel Display ------- p.34
Masataka Matsuura
Advances in Printer ------- p.38
Keizaburo Kuramasu
News Digest ------- p.53
Overseas TopicsA Trip to India-14th International Congress on Glass ------- p.55
Rikuo Ota
Association News ------- p.59
Notice for Members ------- p.62