Journal "NEW GLASS" [Current Issue] [Title Service]

New Glass 70 Vol.18 No.3 (2003)

Foreword ------- p.1

Tadashi Kokubo

Feature Articles I: Environmentally Benign Technique for Glass Production

1) Glass Material for Environmental Management ------- p.5

Kazumasa Matusita

2) Recycling of CRT Glass ------- p.8

Koichi Hiraide

3) BOC MAXON LEFF ------- p.16

Neil Simpson

4) Emission Control of Boron Oxide and Arsenious Oxide in Flue Gases of Glass Furnace ------- p.19

Mitsuru Wakui

5) Electric boosting technology for glass melting furnace ------- p.24

Josef Chmelar

6) Easily Recyclable Glasses Colored by Photo-irradiation and an Estimation of the effect on Glass-bottle Reclcle of This Technology ------- p.29

Kouhei Kadono

Tetsuo Yazawa

Feature Articles II: Focus 21 Project

1) Focus 21 projects in the field of glass ------- p.33

Yoshiaki Yamade

2) Nanotechnology Glass Project on the Advanced Functional Devices ------- p.37

Koichi Matsuda

3) Nanotechnology Glass Project on Highstrength Glass Substrate for FPD Use ------- p.43

Motoh Asakura

Kentaro Tsutsumi

New Glass Research Topics

Microspheres of Optical Cavity Structure ------- p.47

Shuichi Shibata

Lectures for Newcomers

Property of porous glass and its application (3) ------- p.53

Tetsuo Yazawa

VisitĦĦtoĦĦGlass Research Institute

SCHOTT GLASS: Successors of Otto Schott ------- p.59

Ulrich Fortheringham

Introduction of New Glass Products

Coolverre increased comfort by cutting both IR and UV ------- p.68

Yoshiichi Ozeki

Topics of Meetings on Glass

1) Report on Society for Information Display International Symposium 2003 ------- p.72

Takashi Murata

2) Report on Memorial Lecture of NGF General Meeting ------- p.76

Takao Tomioka

Introduction of New Book

------- p.79

Yoshitsugu Yamamoto


Looking back to past two years ------- p.81

Yukihito Nagashima

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