Journal "NEW GLASS" [Current Issue] [Title Service]

New Glass 7 Vol.2 No.3 (1987)

Foreword ------- p.2

Itaru Yasui

The 1st International Symposium on New Glass ------- p.5

New Glass Research Topics

Quartz Glass by New Sol-Gel Process ------- p.8

Shinji Morozumi

Behavior of Oxygen in Glass ------- p.10

Hiroshi Kawazoe

Introductory Lecture ..Optical Fiber ------- p.13

Kazuo Sanada

Proceedings of the NGF Seminars9th Seminar on Stability of New Glass

Stability of New Glass : Introduction ------- p.19

Masayuki Yamane

Thin Film Synthesis of New Glass ------- p.31

Kiyotaka Wasa

Chemical Behavior of New Glass ------- p.35

Ryohei Terai

News Digest

Overseas Topics

Glass - Ceramics : Recent Advances and Trends ------- p.47

Beall George

Domestic Topics

4th International Workshop on Glasses and Glass-Ceramics from Gels ------- p.50

Noboru Tohge

6th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids ------- p.53

Satoru lnoue

5th Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors ------- p.56

Koichi Nishizawa

New Products

Friction-Type Rotary Viscometer ------- p.60

Yasusuke Kashiwa

Association News

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