Journal "NEW GLASS" [Current Issue] [Title Service]

New Glass 9 Vol.3 No.1 (1988)


Expectation for Variety of New Glass ------- p.3

Tsutomu Isobe

President's Address ------- p.4

Jiro Furumoto

1st General Meeting of the Association

------- p.6

New Glass Research Topics

Germanium Oxide Glass Optical Fiber ------- p.9

Toshiaki Shibata

Behavior of Oxygen in Glass (2) ------- p.12

Hiroshi Kawazoe

An Application of Amorphous FilmĦ½Electrochromism of Iridium Oxide FilmĦ½ ------- p.15

Yoshiyuki Sato

Proceedings of the NGF Seminars10th Seminar on Glass as Reinforcement Materials

High Strength Glass Fiber ------- p.19

Hironori Ohta

High Performance Glass Flakes ------- p.31

Satoshi Okuda

Proceedings of the NGF Seminars11th Seminar on Glass by Sol-Gel Process

Present and Future of Sol-Gel Process ------- p.40

Sumio Sakka

Zirconia Containing Glass by Sol-Gel Process ------- p.51

Masayuki Nogami

Some Problems of Glass Preparing by Sol-Gel Process ------- p.59

Toshiaki Mizuno

News Digest

Overseas Topics

A Glance over Europe ------- p.71

Toshiaki Uematsu

Application of Glass

Ultrasonic Glasses Delay Line ------- p.76

Hisao Umetani

Call on MembersNihon Taisanbin Industry

Association News

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